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Press Release

"Hope far from home" - motto of the World Refugee Day for 2023

For the second consecutive year, World Refugee Day passes under the shadow of the war in Ukraine. However, there are also other hotspots around the world where millions of people are forced to leave their homes due to wars and persecution.

Press Release

Lawyer Adela Kachaunova: The election of Sarafov as Acting Chief Prosecutor contradicts the Constitution and further undermines the prestige of the judiciary.

The appointment of Sarafov as Chief Prosecutor, despite numerous signals of tarnished personal integrity, only confirms suspicions of serious political interference.

Position Statement

The changes in the NPK (National Program for Judicial Reforms) regarding the Chief Prosecutor are an important first step forward.

From the BHC we insist that the Parliament continues with the work on judicial reform without delay.

Position Statement

BHC - Psychiatric care in Bulgaria needs to be treated

Statement of BHC regarding the Declaration of the Executive Board of the Bulgarian Psychiatric Association concerning the unethical public statement by Dr. Vladimir Nakov.

Press Release

No institution cares about children's rights.

The Ministers of Education and Culture do not comment on Ivan Geshev's lectures in schools.

Press Release

BHC's report on human rights in 2022 Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC) presented its annual report on human rights in Bulgaria for the past year 2022. Key factors influencing their observance or violation were the war in Ukraine, political instability, and the lack of reforms in the judicial system. A strongly aggressive public environment persisted towards vulnerable groups - with hate speech targeting refugees from the armed conflict, Roma people, LGBTI individuals, and others.

Press Release

ECHR (European Court of Human Rights): the ban in Bulgaria on campaigning in a foreign language during an election campaign violates the freedom of expression.

This was ruled by the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Lyutvi Mestan. The flawed, according to the Court, legislation has not been changed yet.