Learning to Dream

Most Roma children live in greater poverty that their peers and this naturally affects their social skills. They enroll in school uncertain and not believing in themselves. These children, therefore, have an enormous need for attention and love, alongside everything else that the school gives them. Rosen Bogomilov is a teacher and the deputy director of 106th School in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is one of those Bulgarian teachers who understands the importance of an equal start for Roma children, irrespective of the conditions these children may be growing up in. So alongside the lessons in History, he also teaches them how to develop a broad mind-set, how to work towards achieving their goals, but most of all – he teaches them how to dream. This video was produced in the framework of the project “Roma Empowerment for Anti-Discrimination and Integration - READI” funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The content represents the views of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee only and is its sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. Produced by BHC